Blogging · SL Survival Guide · vinyl apparel

204. How to… get the most out of those “happy accidents”

For those of you who don't know, the photo-taking process for me usually involves about 50 or so shots of the same pose with different windlights and lighting, the occasional, "hmm" and lots of cursing. Sometimes, I'll even invent new words! Most of the time, the final product you guys see is just the best… Continue reading 204. How to… get the most out of those “happy accidents”

Blogging · SL Survival Guide

203. How to… accept it.

Last week, I ran a workshop about disability and kink at my home community. I initially did it because admittedly, I was a little salty about some comments that had been made in regards to my health and my ability to theoretically do things. The idea that real life comes first, but I should be… Continue reading 203. How to… accept it.

Blogging · SL Survival Guide

202. How to… disconnect.

I admittedly had a nice chuckle while working on this photo last night. There I was, playing around on Second Life and looking for new poses on the marketplace... while editing a photo of my avatar looking around on the marketplace. That's some Inception-level awesomeness, right? But in all seriousness... I took Friday and Monday… Continue reading 202. How to… disconnect.

Blogging · SL Survival Guide

201. How to… weather the storm.

The truth of the matter is, if life was mundane and utterly predictable every day, we'd all be bored to actual tears. Luckily it's not, but... still, sometimes, we wish it was. Sometimes, we want a day where nothing happens and we can simply do our best impression of a potato while watching Jerry Springer… Continue reading 201. How to… weather the storm.

Blogging · lumae · SL Survival Guide · vinyl apparel

200. How to… come out of the closet.

You're going to hear about pride a lot this month. Now, my English professors would slap me silly for using the term inside the definition, but pride is exactly what it sounds like. It's being proud of yourself. Having confidence in yourself. Loving yourself for all that you are - your best qualities, your flaws,… Continue reading 200. How to… come out of the closet.

Blogging · ChicModa · SL Survival Guide

194. How to… look at things differently.

Sometimes, when the unexpected happens, the best we can do is make a glass of lemonade with the lemons we've been handed. Sometimes, things simply aren't as they seem... or at least not as we expect them to seem. And that's okay. That's probably a lesson each of us has learned a few times (and… Continue reading 194. How to… look at things differently.

Blogging · ChicModa · SL Survival Guide

190. Pro-Tip: If at first it doesn’t rez…

Y'all, the Universe did not want me to get this photo out... all of which looked like fire on my screen and the dumpster variety of fire when I opened them up in Photoshop to have a better look. There was at lease one thing in every single one of the photos I took that… Continue reading 190. Pro-Tip: If at first it doesn’t rez…

Blogging · SL Survival Guide · UNA My Store

158. If you take a picture, it’ll last longer…

We've all heard that one, haven't we? I think in my case, I hear it more as a sarcastic remark than anything, but it has some merits beyond that if you really give it a moment of thought. Pictures are our way of documenting things. They are, at their base, nothing more than a pictographic… Continue reading 158. If you take a picture, it’ll last longer…

Blogging · SL Survival Guide · vinyl apparel

157. Pro-tip: Know when it’s time to say goodbye… and not just to this crappy year.

It's almost that time, y'all. We've almost made it to the end of the year, and if yours has been anything like mine, you're probably exhausted, carrying on by sheer force of will simply because you can see the finish line just ahead. It's almost over... and hopefully, we can say a nice goodbye to… Continue reading 157. Pro-tip: Know when it’s time to say goodbye… and not just to this crappy year.